Welcome to the world of Secret Life, a Twilight Fanfiction by MandyLeigh87

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Want a little visual?

Here's the new blinkie for Secret Life! Visit the new Twilighted Forum for the code or to chat about SL.


Sunday, July 25, 2010


As I celebrate the grand opening of this blog I'd like to share with you a teaser as a gift from me to you. If you still haven't read the first chapter it is posted in its entirety here. Enjoy this little teaser from Edward!

“You ate my bacon!” She stared down at her empty plate.

“Yeah it was really good. Thanks.” I smiled and leaned against the counter.

“Alice!” Bella screamed.

Alice was completely oblivious to our exchange since she was throwing mounds and mounds of clothes into her suitcases. Apparently she’s either taking a trip or donating her wardrobe to charity. I’m going to go with the first one.

“Listen I have a last minute photo shoot down in Aruba. My plane leaves later today and I’ll be back next week.” She sat down on her suitcase to close it. “Bella you should really show Edward around the city, he’s never been here.”

“You are not leaving me here with him!” Bella complained.

“Do I get one of those foam Statue of Liberty hats with the Bella Tour?” I asked.


“You’ll do fine,” Alice said, pulling her stuff towards the door. “Please. As a favor to me. Please.” She slammed the door shut and we were alone in the apartment.

“This should be fun,” I smiled at Bella.

“I’m doing this for Alice and Alice only. If you piss me off, I will push you into the Hudson.” She started towards her bedroom. “And you’re buying me breakfast since you ate mine. Be ready to go in a half hour.” She slammed her door.

I started towards the bathroom to take a shower. Bella’s door whipped open right as I reached it, towel and clothes in her hands. Polka dotted underwear. Nice.

“Where are you going?” She asked.

“I need to take a shower dear.”

“No you can’t. I need to take a shower.”

“We could always shower together,” I teased.

“Fine you can go first.” She disappeared back into her bedroom.

I took a quick shower and wrapped a towel around my waist as I left the bathroom. I wasn’t a conceited guy but I wasn’t shy either. I didn’t give a shit what she saw. I wasn’t one to get embarrassed as far as this goes.

Her door opened and she quickly went into the bathroom. I heard the shower running a few minutes later. I grabbed some clothes and slipped them on before starting back towards the bathroom. I slipped inside and started hanging my towel up.

“Excuse me!” Bella’s head peeked out from behind the shower.

“What? Would you rather me leave it on the floor? Relax. I’m not checking you out or anything.”

She pulled the shower curtain back as I slipped back out.

I waited out in the living room for her, running my fingers through my damp hair. She took less time than most girls I knew to get ready, which was refreshing. Most girls I knew from L.A. spent at least an hour caking on their makeup only to have it look like shit.

She emerged from the bathroom wearing a simple t-shirt and jeans, her hair pulled into a loose ponytail. I was a little disappointed about that. I thought her hair was fucking gorgeous and I wanted to see it.

“Are you ready?” She asked.


Oh I do love the interaction between these two.